About Melanin goddess glow

Welcome Kings & Goddesses! My name is Janelle (The Black GODdess) in which means a powerful female God. Women, specifically black women are known to spirit Gods of Mother Earth. The “Melanin Goddess Glow” means a bold strong powerful black female energy with a earthy spirit which makes her glow inside and out. She believes in the energy to heal self. The divine energy connects her to her roots. She has valuable roots which makes her connected to the universe and our ancestors. This is a spiritual craft jewelry and wellness shop for all men and women to be able to come back to their Roots or to find their inner GOD Glow inside and out. Being bold in your truth, not being afraid to own up to your own confidence. 

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These Jewels are magical. Each piece has a specific spiritual meaning, or energy. You can choose whatever piece you are spiritually drawn to or want to connect to. I also want to remind people to remember who you are and the knowledge of where you come from. And to remember that Goddess Glow is most essential to the soul. Most importantly, to protect herself she surrounds herself with goddess vibes only.